E.Mix has been in the software development market since 1998. It is a company with innovative solutions in technology to broaden specific results in the short and medium term and to create differential for their customers. Annually our service manages millions of customer operations of the widest range and size.To know the e.Mix profile is of the utmost importance because the company is not about the walls but about the people who work for it
The behavior, posture and attitude of each professional are in truth what builds the e.Mix profile. In line with our virtuous values, our team works focusing on the customer, its needs and the constant demands of the market. We conduct our projects with pleasure and joy, dedicating every effort to achieve the customer and partner loyalty. We are in this because above all we like, respect and valorize what we do.
"In 1998 we started a dream. A dream born out of a commitment to our customers, our desire to innovate and to always offer the best solutions! We created our values as a team and they represent what we want to achieve to be not only the best company but a unique company that understands and serves the customer with the love and respect it deserves!"